Is there anything tangible that you can do right now to reduce your anxiety, fear or panic? Yes! Stop watching the news – CNN, FOX, NBC, etc. stop it all! Don’t even bother with the newspaper or social media, it all runs off the same engine. Listening to the media serves to heighten anxiety about the current COVID-19 situation as they take things out of context and sensationalize them. Is COVID-19 serious? Yes. Should you inundate yourself with it 24/7? No. At the same time, it is important not to stick your head in the sand as the world rolls by. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has done a good job when it comes to COVID-19 and factual information. If you are curious about the disease itself and how to stay safe and help your community, start here: Additionally, you can visit your state’s webpage to get up to date information on executive orders being issued locally. Check the federal government’s webpage for national information. Reducing your media exposure will help you to keep your mind calm and out of the fight or flight mode that many of us find ourselves in. Most important of all remember that this too shall pass. This is not the end of the world, it is an opportunity to see life in a healthier way. This is general information only and not intended to diagnose or treat your specific health or medical conditions. If you have a specific health or medical condition consult with your healthcare professional. You can also contact Dr. Pintauro directly.
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Dr. Nicholas PintauroA perspective on health and wellness Archives
August 2020